I hate shoes....

For at least the last 6 months I've suffered from severe pain in my heals and the edge of my foot. The pain is normally only first thing in the morning. And after walking for 5 minutes the pain goes away. Well within the last 3 months it started happening if I sit on the couch for any length of time and then get up to do something. I would hobble around the house like a 90 year old.


So today I went to a podiatrist to have my feet looked at. My family doctor had said its Planters faciatis (spelling is way off) So the podiatrist made me do a few things and checked my feet out and everything. He said yes thats what it is. I have to do calf raises. So I have to stand on the edge of the stairs and lower my heal down and raise up on my tippy toes 30 times on both feet and 30 times on each foot.... TWICE A DAY! There's a work out all on its own..... Plus....
I have to go buy good shoes....
bye bye walmart shoes :( so cheap.....
and I have to wear these shoes every waking minute. WHAT!


So not only do my feet hurt, I have to wear the dreaded shoes and do MORE exercises everyday. :( He also said I shouldn't run on the treadmill until my feet are better....
They could never be better.....

So I'm kinda bummed out today and all I want to do is eat chocolate and lay on the couch.
But I'm going to put my shoes on. Do my exercises and then go lay in bed and read....

Currently reading Nora Roberts, The Heart's Victory.....about car racing....sorta....

Well now that I'm done with my complaining...off I go.....Ciao!


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