June 30, 2009

So this is the last day of the month. I've made it a whole month so far with a picture a day. I'm very proud of that. I tool approx 150 pictures today. Sometimes I get in the mood and I take TONS of pictures. Here are just a few of the ones I've taken.
The little spider friend that I found. Never seen a spider that looked like this.
A nice farm picture. Love this one!
The crop duster plane that kept making rounds and would tilt just enough for a good picture on the way by. I think he must have seen me taking pictures.
My version of the Bakerella cupcake burgers and fries. http://bakerella.blogspot.com/2009/06/fast-food-fun.html

One of Teresa's little pansies in her planter baskets. I love pansies!

June 29, 2009

Ok so I took alot of pictures this day and just picked the few I liked the best. So here they are! A pinecone. Thought it looked neat in the grass. Not like everyone has walked over them a million times in their life but have you stopped and 'looked' at one....

The little man-made lake that we have our bootcamps at.

A rock. Kinda looks like craters on the moon....

A dragonfly

June 28, 2009

Our crazy pooch Zoey. She is American Bulldog/Boxer. Great dog! Very smart but acts like a retard most of the time. The half wilted sunflower Austin picked in the empty lot. Thought the picture looked kinda cool.

June 27, 2009

Austin fooling around. Being a goof ball.

Cool clouds. Kinda like the ying yang symbol....

June 26, 2009

no time to post

So with me doing bootcamp I'm out of energy by the end of the day and don't feel like playing on the internet. But I will catch up on photos. So here they are. Newest picture first.....

June 24, 2009

June 23, 2009

June 22, 2009

night flowers

So after all afternoon of shopping and no pictures taken I decided to go out side at 10pm and take some pictures. These are a few of the ones I took.

A day with friends

We had some friends come over for dinner and to help install a few things. New screen door. New above the stove microwave/range. Both look awesome! We have a great dinner too. Steaks, corn on the cob, home made potatoe salad, and for dessert home made apple pie!!! YUM!

After dinner we took the kids for a little walk and found some horses near where we live. Very tame and friendly. So we let the kids feed them some grass. So my first picture is of them. "sharing" the grass. LOL.
When we got back from our walk I walked around and checked out my flowers and found that my clematis was almost blooming. Late but better late then never. And there was a dragon fly on it so my second picture is of a dragon fly.

roses from the same bush....

Finished blanket and beautiful sunset to end a yucky day...

My son has taste..

This is the rose that finally opened on the bush that my son picked out for me for mother's day.


Here fishy fishy fishy.....

Ok so this isn't a gretat picture. I had something better in mind but couldn't capture it. Next time....

To sleep anywhere...

Too Many Too Choose...

*sniff sniff*

follow the clouds

I love this picture. Its almost like the sun shot through the sky and made a tail of clouds.

Oh what a cutie

Here are a few pictures of my new kitten and her new best friend, the old man Kao.

A good start and a bad ending...

Today was interesting to say the least. This morning was awesome. It was quiet and everyone was happy. As the day progressed it just seemed to get worse. "The Boy"refused to eat lunch. Red flad #1. Then he was in preschool all afternoon. When I went to pick him up the teacher tells me he fell off the swing and scratched his cheek and cut his lip. Red flag #2. So we come home and everything seemed to be fine. He played outside, rode his bike, and everything was good. We had dinner and he complained but that was the norm. Then back outside he went and rode his bike some more but he fell off and hurt his elbow. Now for a 4 year old this is something that just happens. But for mine red flag #3 was that he carried on about it for 45 minutes. So by this time I am getting frustrated and just want him to go to sleep and leave me alone. So we get the elbow all bandaged up and give him a very quick bath. Then I get him to lay down on the couch. He was asleep by 7pm. I put him in his bed and by 9pm he was awake and in the bathroom puking! YUCK! Just what I want to deal with at this point. He made 3 trips in 20 minutes just go pee. A sign of the body flushing out a bug. By 10 I got him back into bed and asleep but have stayed up making sure it doesn't happen again. Over the last year or so I find myself not hearing him in the middle of the night. So its been a rough evening. Somewhere during the day I've found time to take some pictures and I think a few have turned out. Night...

yet again a rushed photo

Yet again today I found no motivation to take pictures but I forced myself to go outside and take some. This is my favorite. I think I am going to try to take it again with the sun shining on it. I think it would look very nice. Especially with the blue sky behind it. It was taken at about 8pm with a rain storm on its way. Nothing to complain about today so I'm off to bed.....Good bye....until tomorrow

The dog did what?!?!

So I'm sitting here downloaded pictures and checking out what they actually look like, very hard to see on the camera, and I hear this sound. So, I turn around and our stupid dog is standing with her front paws on a kitchen chair eating a cookie off the table! GRRRR! I could have killed her. We have gone over a year without her having these types of bad habits. Thankfully she learns fast and this will be the one and only time it happens.

I am starting to get very frustrated with my 4 year old. Everytime I say no he starts the completely fake cry noise but still has tears. Not sure if they are forced. But I'm thinking its fake cause he can stop it just as quick as he starts it. I don't know what to do. I've tried giving him a time out. I've tried taking things away. I've tried cutting down his bed time. Nothing seems to be working. I sure hope its just a phase. Sure seems like the "terrible twos" that most people go throught at 18m-3years. GRRR! Right at this momment he is freaking out cause I won't let him have a juice box. There is juice in the fridge that he can have and the juice boxes are for school. GRRRR! Am I just being mean/anal/strict or something else about this. I just don't get it. I'm the mom. I said NO! That should be the end of it...

Picture of the Day
Ok so yet again today it was rather miserable out but I still I have a few pictures that I really like. So here they are...

another weekend come and gone....

It sunday night, I'm exhausted, and my son is being a brat. I put him to bed early tonight cause enough was enough. Too many late nights and long days. He is still talking to himself but at least he isn't in my face yelling at me. Yet now I'm sitting arguing with a 4 year old cause he says its still day time cause its not dark outside. I getting SO frustrated. I don't know what to do. I have another week + till "D" comes home. Not sure how to handle it. I want to crawl into bed in cry. The weather is not helping at all. I want to get outside and do some gardening. The lawn needs mowed yet again. It never ends. I laugh at these moms who complain cause they can never get anything done cause they constantly have to deal with their kids and they never get a break. HA! They can go to hell. I normally have 3-5 kids in my house and I seem to get ALOT done all day everyday. Not the outdoor stuff. I do that after they go home. But my child is still here.

Ok. So I don't want this to be a complet bitch fest so I am going to post my pictures and call it a night. I took a few pics today but yet again it was cold and miserable. Not sure whats going on with the weather this year. The first is a book. Pretty much all I did today was read. And the other is a geranium flower.

Adios mousey....

Today was my brother-in-law's 40th birthday party today and his wife and kids had a party for him. We had a pretty good time. Had steak, scallops wrapped in bacon, roasted potatoes and veggies, and cake. Great day and good food and friends. After everyone else left my BIL had to go out and get some game card for their kids computer game so I went with them. We stopped at the river to see the Pelicans. I didn't believe that you could have Pelicans in the Prairies. Who would have thought. Well it was a perfect time to go for a little walk. We saw deer, birds(lots of robins), rabbits, beaver in the river, and pelicans. It was great. So here are a few pictures that I took. Hope you like...

So after the party we came home. It was quite late. Way past "the boys" bed time. So I got him in bed and then sat down for a little me time. Then I remembered that I should check the mouse traps. The little bastard set the trap off last night and ate all the peanut butter. Well we got 'em today! HAHAHAHA.......This little bugger was so fat and big. I don't think I've ever seen a mouse that big. As I sit here typing this I can hear rustling going on. I'm not sure if its another mouse or if its the kitten playing. So I think I will set another trap tonight and see what happens. Always better to be safe than sorry.....